Frequently Asked Question

Happy to Answer All Your Questions

Our clients are individuals, families and business owners who have three factors in common: they want professional guidance and help, are open minded to learning about ideas and opportunities they likely had no heard/thought about, they have financial resources from which we can build from. Our clients occupations vary from medical residents, to sales executives, management team members, attorneys entrepreneurs, and those that are already retired. While occupations and career stages certainly vary our clients all desire the same financial confidence, empowerment and freedom.

Sometimes our clients’ are looking for a change and many times they are not. Often times we work with clients who are engaged with other advisors and professionals. While some may view that at competition, we view it as an opportunity for collaboration. Ideas are plentiful and expertise is not a monopoly. Let’s think about it, does your primary care doctor also perform cardiac surgery? Of course not. We welcome working with our clients other advisors and fostering new ideas, strategies and opportunities together.

We can structure our compensation however our client sees as preferrable where we are compensated in either a straight consulting fee for service arrangement, compensated as investment advisors on assets we manage, compensated as brokers on insurance solutions we design or a combination of the above. We’ll work with our clients to first understand the scope of the engagement and then together collaborate on a compensation plan where their interests are served first, always.

While our physical office is about 10 miles outside of Boston, MA, we serve clients in 18 states throughout the US and look forward to growing to the others. We are often introduced to family members, business colleagues, sorority sisters, accountants, cousins and friends who want a similar experience and guidance to what our local clients and professional contacts have experienced. Be it through today’s virtual world of video conferencing or physical travel (when safe), we look forward to meeting and “seeing” those we serve throughout the US.

At the onset a general framework is 3-4 meetings of approx. 30-60 minutes to learn about you, your goals and collaborate on your strategic alternatives in plan design and execution points. Once we are engaged and a plan is designed on going calibration is customized to some of our clients who prefer one standing meeting annually to others who we meet with quarterly for calibration conversations. However, we are always one phone call away, regardless of scheduled time because one thing we know is , life happens!

This is a very common question in the financial services industry. Especially so, when working with an investment advisor only approach. However at HUB Wealth Strategies our approach and value proposition extends beyond investment management alone. While yes, we can only assist clients who have resources from which we can plan with, we will never turn away anyone who wants the help, has an open mind and is willing to learn. We’ve built our team with multiple advisors to serve various clients, focused on exactly where our client is in their journey and what specific guidance serves them best.

While gathering any high-level statements can be helpful for an initial conversation, it is not necessary. More so we ask our clients to come to meeting thinking about answering the question, “Looking forward one year, three years, five years from now…what do we want to see happen and manifest in our lives, to view our work together with HUB Wealth Strategies as successful?” “What opportunities, exist today that we wish to expand and capitalize on and what threats do we need to reduce if not eradicate? How can HUB Wealth Strategies best serve me / us and what are my expectations for a successful engagement together? Other then that, the only other thing you may wish to bring is a notebook and a pen because as we know, learning and execution happens when you “write it down.”